简介:Tales from the Occult 2 is a sequel to the 3-part omnibus and is a more ambitious work than its predecessor, swaying towards the psychological thriller genre. Frank Hui’s Rapunzel tells the story, which begins when a female model, sexually harassed by a record company CEO, visits a hair salon where a psychopath works. Daniel Chan’s Cheshire Cat is a nightmarish urban legend tha...
Tales from the Occult 2 is a sequel to the 3-part omnibus and is a more ambitious work than its predecessor, swaying towards the psychological thriller genre. Frank Hui’s Rapunzel tells the story, which begins when a female model, sexually harassed by a record company CEO, visits a hair salon where a psychopath works. Daniel Chan’s Cheshire Cat is a nightmarish urban legend tha...展开
5.0 罗根·莱利·布鲁纳///尼尔·塞西///米娜·苏瓦丽///南迪塔·谢诺伊///罗纳德·格特曼///艾迪·格里芬///路易斯·穆斯蒂略// Emma Chasse / Tom O'Keefe / Jimmy Ray Bennett / Amanda Bruton / Christopher Cardoza / Emily Casey / Hailey Foss / Krista Kangas / Jerry Liberto //库柏·罗伯特// Johnny Zito/